Primarily Primaries

Just wanted to remind you to vote in the primaries, in case you haven’t done so already. I placed my ballot in the mailbox this morning.  I’m sure you’re all aware how important it is to cast your vote and I hope you’ll do so these primaries.

I want to urge you to vote through the entire list of candidates.  Last, but certainly not least, on our local ballot are the names of those who are running for the position of judge.  Sometimes those names are overlooked because they do appear last or because people simply don’t know the people running for those spots.

Garrett is among those whose names appear on the primary ballot due Tuesday, August 8.

And yet, it’s been shown that of all those who serve in elected office, it is judges with whom people, like you and me, are mostly likely to come in contact with for one reason or another.  Judges can wield considerable influence in our daily lives by the decisions they make in cases that may end up effecting us even though we’re not the ones standing in the courtroom.

I learned some of this when photographing Deborra Garrett who’s running here for Whatcom County Superior Court Judge.  I was asked to make a studio portrait and to cover some of her campaign events for her campaign materials, website and Facebook.  I was honored to do so.  I’ve known Deborra personally for several years.  I took senior portraits for both her son, Frank, and her daughter, Joanie, and have gotten to know her through her work with the schools in teen court and the various other activities that she and her kids participated in.

Deborra’s son, Frank, pictured here as a high school senior, is a lover of the outdoors and made Eagle Scout.

Now, they are both grown.  Frank has been travelling following his graduation from the University of British Columbia, and Joanie is now studying at the University of Washington.  Doesn’t seem like that long ago since they were here in the studio.

Joanie is a lover of literature and wanted to include one of her then favorite books, “Catcher in the Rye” in her senior portrait.

If elected, she’ll be the Whatcom County’s first woman Superior Court judge.  And while that’s significant, it’s not the only reason, nor should it be, to cast your vote.   Your vote really does make your voice heard.  So please, be sure to get your ballot in by the deadline, Tuesday, August 7 and vote for the candidates of your choice.